It seems like you can’t change the color of your front door anymore without needing approval from someone to proceed. We see this quite often for fence projects as well. Whether it’s a Homeowner’s Association (HOA) in a newer neighborhood, a Historical Society in an older historic district or just your city building department; the theme is the same. They are going to want supporting documentation, photos and specifications (specs). Whereas your local fence installer or big box store can only hand you a brochure and point you to a website, we can help do the legwork to provide all of this to you. All we need you to do is let us know what the governing agency is asking for and we can email or fax it over. Some examples of what we can provide for approvals are:
- Auto-CAD (Computer Aided Drawings) of the fence and gates that show profile and specs. This includes custom work as well
- Abbreviated or full specifications (specs) on our Stronghold Iron® or Infinity Aluminum ® fence and gates
- Rough layout drawings showing the project based on dimensions
- Photos of previously installed jobs
- A small sample section of fence at no cost. Larger samples can also be provided at the cost of shipping.
So don’t be discouraged to do your iron or aluminum fence project due to approval requirements. We are here to help you through the process in any way possible!