Category: Wrought Iron Fence Installation
Information on installing our iron fences and gates
Installation Differences Between an Iron Fence and Aluminum Fence

Does Wrought Iron Fence Require Welding to Install It?
People looking to install a fence on their own often won’t consider a wrought iron fence because they think it requires welding to install it. However, that’s not the case! Our iron fence (and quite honestly the majority of them out there) utilize some sort of bracket and screw that allows installation with simple tools just about every homeowner has.

Can Wrought Iron Fence be Welded Together for High Security Applications?
While a large majority of iron fence applications are installed using brackets and screws, high-security applications may require a more tamper-proof installation. The best way for a highly secure iron fence is to forgo the brackets and weld the iron fence panels right to the steel posts.

Wrought Iron Fence Curved to Follow a Rounded Area – A Great Example Installation
Many people assume you need a curved piece of wrought iron fence in order to follow a rounded section of a layout. However, using curved iron fence panels is extremely difficult, expensive and often not necessary.

Installing Wrought Iron Fence Panels Around a Radius, Curved or Angled Area
Not all wrought iron fence installations follow straight lines and 90 degree turns. So what do you do when you need your iron fence panels to follow a curve, radius or angle across? Read on to see how to handle this type of installation.

How to DIY Install Iron Fence or Aluminum Fence on a Hill, Slope or Grade
In a perfect world, your yard would be perfectly level to install your iron or aluminum fence. But what if you have a hilly, sloped or graded yard? Check out our article to see how to install iron fence and aluminum fence in these situations.

What Do I Need to DIY Install an Iron or Aluminum Gate?
Looking to install your own wrought iron or aluminum gate, but you aren’t sure what you’ll need? We dive into the details to guide you through the materials and tools typically needed to install one of our DIY Stronghold Iron® or Infinity Aluminum® gates.

What Do I Need to DIY Install a Wrought Iron Fence?
Looking to install your own wrought iron fence, but you aren’t sure what you’ll need? We dive into the details to guide you through the materials and tools typically needed to install one of our DIY Stronghold Iron® fences.

Can I DIY Install an Iron or Aluminum Fence on My Own?
Nervous that installing an iron or aluminum fence is too much to take on? Don’t be! 90%of our customers do their own installation!