Estate/ Driveway gates typically come in two configurations as well as being available in both aluminum and iron. A single gate and a double gate setup. For the purpose of discussion here, we are going to consider a 12ft Estate/ Driveway gate since it is one of the most popular sizes. A single 12ft gate is just what the name implies. It is a one leaf gate that is 12ft across. In a double gate setup, there are two leafs. So with our example of the 12ft gate, there would be two 6ft wide leafs that add up to a 12ft gate. Also, for the sake of this discussion, we are only talking about the more common (and easier) swing setup. Although the majority of this will apply to a sliding or roll gate as well, that style of gate has a more complex setup with different hardware and we will touch on that another time.
So does one style have advantages over the other? That really depends on your individual setup along with your desired look and operation of the gate. Here are some of the basics pros and cons of each to help in the decision process:
- You only need one automatic opener (if using one), so it costs less.
- They require half the hardware (hinges, bolts, no drop rods, etc) of a double gate.
- You need double the swing distance behind the gate. A 12ft single gate needs 12ft of space behind the gate to swing freely. A 12ft double gate would need only 6ft.
- They are more expensive to ship due to their long length.
- You need a more expensive and heavier duty post to hang the gate off of since all the weight is on one post. A 12ft single gate needs to use our largest 6×6 post. A 12ft double gate can use our 4×4 posts.
- They are a little harder to install since you have all the weight and leverage of a single piece gate to lift up and drop on your hinge mounts
- Limited sizes compared to double gates
- You need less swing distance behind the gate. A 12ft double gate would need only 6ft whereas a single gate would need all 12.
- You can use a less-expensive and lighter duty post. A 12ft single gate needs to use our largest 6×6 post. A 12ft double gate can use our heavy duty 4×4 posts.
- More available sizes in double gates.
- Double gates are the traditional look and have a more ‘elegant’ appearance when opening from center.
- Double gates require more hardware. Hinges on both sides and drop rods for the center.
- If you utilize an automatic gate opener, it will be more expensive since you will need and opener motor for each leaf.
As you can see, there are pros and cons to each and your individual needs may help sway you to one over the other. I would estimate the split of gates we sell is probably 95% double gate and 5% single gate. In most instances the additional widths, easier installation and cheaper shipping typically steer folks to a double gate.
Have questions about which would work best for you? Give us a call (800-261-2729) or shoot us an email ([email protected])!