There are a variety of latch options when it comes to metal gates made of iron or aluminum. We offer 4 different latch options that will work with all our iron gates and aluminum gates.
Metal gates made of iron, steel and aluminum have a variety of latch options. We offer 4 different types of latches that will work with any of our iron and aluminum walk gates or driveway gates. These are the 4 latches we offer, but there are many others on the market that will also work with our gates. If you found another latch you like, just ask us and we can let you know if it will work with our gates.
More of a visual person? Check out the YouTube video we did covering all 4 latches as well:
Standard Gravity Latch

This is the simplest and least expensive latch option. It consists of an arm that mounts on the gate leaf and a clasp that mounts on the post. Its a good all-around latch. Pros are that its inexpensive, is all-metal and has some adjustability in the installation width between post and gate. Cons are that it can only be operated from one side of the gate and can only be locked by purchasing a separate small padlock to put through the clasp plate.
Key-Lockable Gravity Latch

This option is similar to the standard gravity latch latch, but it adds a larger ABS body, pull tab for operation and key-lockable operation. This latch can be ordered where it works from one side of the gate (as pictured above) or both sides of the gate with an auxiliary piece that fits on the back. The latch can be left unlocked for regular operation or keyed to the lock position so a key is required for entrance. Pros are the metal internals and adjustability of the center gap. Cons are that its a little more expensive than the standard option. This is the best style of latch for double gates.
Stalk-Style Pool Latch

This stalk style of latch is typically only used to satisfy pool code that requires the latch operation is located a minimum of 54″ off the ground. This stalk-style pool latch allows for a 4ft fence to be used with a latch that sticks up to 54″ or higher. People typically do not utilize this latch unless their local pool code requires it. The knob on top of the tall stalk is pulled which releases the magnet in the post clasp and allows you to pull or push the gate open. It is also self-latching with the magnet and key-lockable to meet pool code requirements.
Locinox Ornamental Latch

The Locinox ornamental latch is our nicest latch we offer. While it cam be mounted in-between the gate frame and pickets, we typically utilize the External Mount Kit that places it on the face of the post and gate leaf. This makes installation easier and is necessary on some gate sizes that do not have enough space between the gate frame and picket to fit the latch body. The pros of the Locinox are its beautiful looks, all-metal construction, handles on both sides and key lock with an additional deadbolt. The cons are that its our most expensive latch option and has extremely tight tolerances that require a little more DIY skill to mount than the other options.
In Conclusion…
I hope that helps illustrate the metal gate latch options a little better. Other latches can work with our gates as well. So if you found a latch you like more than these options, just let us know some information on it and we can confirm if it will work with our gate.