Mother nature is great until her little ones start eating your garden and flowers to nubs in the ground. One of our newer styles of iron fence we now stock is our Puppy Picket style of fence. It adds an extra row of pickets along the bottom to close that air gap between pickets to less than 2 inches.
Normally, this style of fence is used to keep smaller dogs in a yard. However, we have also had folks us it to keep animals like rabbits and groundhogs out of garden beds as well. So long as you install the panels tight to the ground or with something beneath them (like brick or stone) to keep them from digging under the fence, it can make for a good deterrent.
The fence is offered in a 4ft and a 5ft tall panel and can be trimmed for width if need be. We also offer matching 4ft and 5ft wide one-piece gates as well as 8ft and 10ft wide 2-pieces gates.

If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call at 800-261-2729 or send an email to us at [email protected].