If you’ve read about the differences between our Traditional grade and Signature grade fences and gates, you may be wondering which is the right choice for your project. Check out our video and pictures on the subject in this week’s post!
In truth, there is no ‘wrong’ choice you can make when it comes to choosing between Traditional Grade and Signature Grade in our Stronghold Iron and Infinity Aluminum fencing and gates. However, there are some guidelines we can provide to help in the decision-making process:
Here are a couple videos we did showing the differences between the grades and some thoughts on which to choose for your project:
Here is some additional info and photos on if Traditional or Signature grade is the right choice for your project:
Traditional Grade Fence and Gates
Our Traditional grade iron and aluminum fencing and gates are a good choice if your project falls under the following:
- You have a view behind the fence that you do not want to obstruct (vista, lake, city view, etc)
- You want the fence to closely mimic an antique iron fence with its smaller components
- You have full control of the area that the fence or gate is going in (for instance, its in your backyard where the public will not be)
- You want the fence to integrate with your landscaping rather than be a focal point
- If keeping the budget lower is a high-priority, the Traditional grade fence costs about 50% less than its Signature grade counterpart
Here are a few example photos to illustrate some of those points:

Signature Grade Fence and Gates
Our Signature grade iron and aluminum fencing and gates are a good choice if your project falls under the following:
- The fence or gate will be installed in an area where the public has access to it (for instance, next to a sidewalk or used in a commercial setting)
- Strength is of highest importance to you
- You have a larger home or the fence will be set far away from the home on the property
- You want the fence to be a focal point in your landscaping
- You are looking to send a statement of security (basically “stay out!”)
Here are a few example photos to illustrate some of those points:

So Which Fence and Gate Grade is Right for Me?
Again, there is no wrong answer and none of those guidelines are hard-and-fast rules. They are just to give you an idea what we may ask when you talk to us about your project.
I have had many homeowners install the larger, stronger Signature grade iron and aluminum pieces around smaller homes or with views. They simply liked the larger profiles and added peace-of-mind with it’s heavy-duty nature.
I have also had people use our Traditional grade iron and aluminum pieces in commercial applications as well without issue. They wanted a more muted fence barrier that blended in or wanted something more authentically ‘antique’ looking.
As I mentioned before, it really is a matter considering your project specifics and budget to determine which grade would be best for your project.
Still have questions or want to run a scenario past us to see which grade we think would work best? Give us a call at 800-261-2729 or email us ([email protected]) and we would be happy to suggest one for you!