So you’ve looked at the website and like what you see. The next step is having us get a quote put together for you. A lot of folks aren’t sure where to begin when it gets to this step, so I thought I would go through the infomation we typically need.
The easiest way to ensure that we have all the information to put a good quote together is to do a simple layout drawing. We don’t need this to have an engineering level of detail. A simple bird’s eye view sketch with measurements and gate call-outs results in the most accurate quote.

Once you do that, you can fax it to us at 330-470-2444 or scan a copy and email it to us at [email protected].
So what are the basics we are looking for?
1. Your first and last name along with where you are located (a zip code at minimum for getting shipping costs)
2. A layout sketch or a total footage you are looking to fence (a sketch or breakdown of each run measure will yield a more accurate quote than a total footage)
3. Stronghold Iron or Infinity Aluminum?
4. Traditional or Signature grade?
5. What height fence are you looking for?
6. If you have gates in your layout, how many and how wide?
7. Will this fence surround a pool? (pools typically have special requirements)
And that’s it! You can send this information to us directly via fax or email or you can use any of the ‘Get Quote’ buttons on the website to submit your information that way.
Have questions on what some of the requested items are or how to choose between them? That’s what we’re here for! Shoot us an email or give us a call and we would be happy to help answer any questions or guide you along.