Many people assume you need a curved piece of wrought iron fence in order to follow a rounded section of a layout. However, using curved iron fence panels is extremely difficult, expensive and often not necessary.
While we have made custom curved iron fence panels for folks, we find that using standard straight iron fence panels and our angle brackets work in 99% of most situations with much less cost, lead time and hassle. The angled brackets allow you to turn or ‘angle’ the panel off the post and ‘walk around’ the curved section with straight pieces at angles. The following photos show a great example of this with our Signature grade Classic iron fence in 5ft tall x 8ft wide fence sections going around a curved cul-de-sac.

If you have any questions on angling the fence panels to walk around a curved area, feel free to give us a call or shoot us an email. You can find more examples in our photo gallery on the website as well.