Now that we are stocking our iron Hoop and Picket fence, I wanted to do a quick post to go over some specific notes that pertain to this new style of iron fence we offer.
Trimming Hoop and Picket Panel Widths
Like all of our styles of iron fence, we utilize a cast iron bracket and self tapping screw to attach the panel to the post. Not only does this allow for a no-welding installation of the fence panel, but it also allows you to trim the panels to widths shorter than the 8ft wide the panels are made in. However, unlike our other styles of iron fence, that arching hoop over the finial tips means you cannot trim in as small of an increment as our Classic, Pool and Puppy Picket Styles. Below is the rendering of our 4ft tall x 8ft wide Stronghold Iron Hoop and Picket fence panel.
As you can see, the panel retains our standard 3.875in air gap between pickets to meet code. However, that hoop is one unbroken piece from side to side. That means a full hoop with railing sticking out on each side for brackets is 17 inches. You could probably go slightly tighter at 15 inches, but no less than that. So when planning your fence layout, make sure that any cut sections will work for you in 15-17 inch increments.
No Arched Walk Gates
One of the favorite upgrades on our walk gates is to utilize and arched top style to set the gate off from the fence line. With Hoop and Picket iron gates, we cannot do an arched version. If you look at the rendering of our gate below:
There really is no clean way to arch the gate with those hoops. We’ve tried in the past to deform the hoop shape into an arch and the outcome was not something we were happy with.
May Not Conform to Pool Code
We get a lot of folks that like to use our iron fence around pools. Many of our styles in various heights will meet code, but that is heavily dependent on what your local code calls for. The panels in our tallest 4ft height will not meet the 45in handhold-to-foothold restriction in national BOCA pool code. The gates also have wider than 4in gaps on the gates between the last picket and the gate frame. Those two items will typically make the fence and gates not pass pool inspection
In Conclusion…
Hopefully this helped with some of the nuances specific to our new Hoop and Picket Iron fence. if you have any other questions or wanted to get information on pricing, feel free to give us call at 800-261-2729 or shoot us an email at [email protected].