Iron Fence Shop® Frequently Asked Questions

What is the benefit of using an iron fence over other types of fence?

The first and main benefit of wrought iron is beauty.  It has several beautiful accents that make it a part of your landscape and not simply an enclosure.  It’s no coincidence that many historical and high-end properties have wrought iron fences.  The timeless appeal and strength of wrought iron makes it a winning choice on both fronts. 

The second benefit is strength.  Aluminum fence looks the part of wrought iron, but a 4’ aluminum panel weighs 12 pounds versus a 4’ wrought iron panel that weighs roughly 45 pounds.  Some low-end aluminum panels are so lightweight that you can bend the pickets with your hand.  For strength, wrought iron can simply not be beat.

Lastly, there is security.  Our panels and gates are fully welded together.  Pickets and finials cannot be removed.  Unlike vinyl and wood fencing, iron fences cannot be easily broken through.  If you decide to weld the panels to the posts or tack weld the screw head to the bracket, you will not be able to find a more secure fence.  

How is your iron fence better than others I can find online or locally?

When we designed our Stronghold Iron product line, we tried to fill in the quality gaps left by our competitors.  Some examples of what sets us apart are:
Rust-Inhibition and Finish

  • Our Stronghold Iron stock is hot-dipped galvanized.  This means that you have rust protection inside and out on our iron pieces whereas our competitors typically only primer the outside with a thin e-coat.  
  • All constructed fence panels, posts and gates receive a 4-stage pre-treatment and wash to rid them of impurities before applying a polyester TGIC powder coat finish. 
  • Our TGIC powder coating has UV fade inhibitors as part of the formulation to keep your fence looking good for decades to come and not fading or ‘chalking’ after being up a few months.     

Construction and Appearance

  • All of our fences and gates come with iron finial tips welded on standard. Our competitors charge extra for finials or have cheap pinch-tops.  We feel finials are essentially the most iconic element of an iron fence.  When you add the optional finial tips to our competitor’s fence panel, it costs much more than our fence and gives you lesser quality components!
  • Our finial tips are true cast-iron pieces that are welded to the fence or gate picket.  Our competitor’s optional finials are made of either thin aluminum or worse, plastic and pressed on whereas ours are welded on.    
  • All our iron pieces feature a fully welded construction.  No screws or rivets holding it all together. 
  • Our walk gates feature a fully boxed U-frame that is welded square to prevent the gate from ever sagging.  None of our competitors offer this standard.

What iron fence heights do you offer?

Our Classic style Stronghold Iron Fence panels are 8ft (96in) wide and available in a:

  • 3ft (36in) Tall Fence Panel Height
  • 4ft (48in) Tall Fence Panel Height
  • 5ft (60in) Tall Fence Panel Height
  • 6ft (72in) Tall Fence Panel Height

Our Pool style Stronghold fence panels are also 8ft (96in) wide, but only available in a 4'2" (50in) height to satisfy pool code

We can also make custom heights for you.  See the ‘Custom Designs’ section of the site for more details on custom fence heights.

Do you offer iron gates that match the fence?

We carry walk gates that match all of our Stronghold Iron Classic fence panel heights.   The matching walk gates are available in a:

  • 4ft (48in) Single Gate Width*
  • 5ft (60in) Single Gate Width
  • 6ft (72in) Single Gate Width
  • 8ft (96in) Double Gate Width
  • 10ft (120in) Double Gate Width
  • 12ft (144in) Double Gate Width

Our Pool style of iron fence offers a more limited selection of gates sizes coming only in a 4ft wide single and 8ft wide double gate configuration.

We also carry a full array of hinge and latch options for all gates.  Ask your Iron Fence Shop salesperson for options that would best work for your application.

* Classic style has an optional arched version of the 4ft wide walk gate in all heights

Are your pickets made of solid metal or square tube?

Our pickets are made from square tube.  This goes not only for company, but every modern fence maker out there.  The reason we do not utilize solid pickets comes down to three reasons

  • Weight – using solid picket adds a lot of unnecessary weight.  For some of our taller and larger pieces, it would require heavy equipment to move them around.  Our 6ft tall x 8ft wide Signature Grade fence panel in Stronghold Iron weighs around 120lbs.  That same panel with solid pickets would weight close to 450lbs.  That added weight would make shipping much costlier and unloading and installing much more difficult.  
  • Cost – While most folks like the idea of solid pickets, they don’t like the price.  We have custom-made many solid picket pieces for folks but the majority of them that we quote end up going with our standard square tube picket.  Adding solid pickets to one of our pieces can easily triple or quadruple the cost.    
  • Strength – Believe it or not, a hollow tube can actually be as strong or stronger than its solid counterpart.  Type ‘solid bar or hollow tube stronger’ into Google and you will see that a hollow part with proper wall diameter can be as strong as its solid counterpart in many scenarios.  Additionally, the force exerted on a hollow or solid picket to bend it is typically be catastrophic enough to bend either option (car running into the fence or gate, large tree falling on it, etc)  

What is the difference between ‘Traditional’ and ‘Signature’ grade iron?

We offer our Stronghold Iron products in two grades to provide options on profile and strength within each style of fence.  

Our Traditional grade of Stronghold Iron is the smaller of both profiles with a ½” square, 18ga picket and 4in tall finial tip on top.  Our Traditional grade profile more closely represents the fences made 100 years ago with its smaller features.  In terms of appearance, we recommend the Traditional grade when you want the fence to blend in as part of the landscaping and not be a main focal point.   

Our Signature grade of Stronghold Iron is the larger of both profiles with a ¾” square, 16ga picket and 6in tall finial tip on top.  Our Signature grade is the more heavy-duty option as its larger profile and thicker components are stronger than its Traditional grade counterpart.  A 4x8 Stronghold Iron fence panel in Traditional grade weighs about 45lbs whereas its Signature grade counterpart weighs about 90lbs.  In terms of appearance, we recommend the Signature grade when you want the fence to stand out as a main element in your landscape.     

Do I need a Traditional or Signature grade iron fence for my project?

This is largely a matter of preference and budget.  We typically recommend taking the following into consideration:

  • If the fence is going to be in a public setting such as a business, the heavier-duty Signature grade option would alleviate any concerns of damage from customers
  • If the fence is going to be in a front yard or corner lot with a nearby sidewalk where kids could run into or climb on the fence repeatedly, the heavier-duty Signature grade option would withstand more abuse
  • Aesthetically, Traditional Grade may be the more desired profile when you want the fence to blend in with the landscaping or not obstruct a view behind it
  • Aesthetically, Signature Grade may have a more desired profile when being installed around a larger residence or if the fence is going to be set far back from the residence.  It also sends a stronger security statement and stands out more as a focal point in your landscaping with its larger components
  • The heavier-duty Signature grade pieces cost roughly 50% more than their Traditional grade counterparts due to thicker and larger materials being used

There are no set rules on which to grade to go with.  Discuss where you will be installing the fence with your Iron Fence Shop Sales salesperson and they can help suggest which grade would work best for you.


Should I go with your Stronghold Iron® or Infinity Aluminum® products?

There is no ‘right’ answer to this question as it will come down to your preferences to guide you to the material best for you.  Below are the strengths of each option.  Go with the material that best fits your needs and wants:

Stronghold Iron

  • Strength is of utmost importance
  • Wants a traditional, heavy-duty, all-welded fence or gate
  • Concerned with security and durability
  • Understands the fence finish may need to be touched up if scratched or scuffed to bare metal

Infinity Aluminum

  • Wants a maintenance-free product they can install and forget
  • Values lightweight nature of aluminum for installation and gate operation
  • Yard is hilly or sloped and does not want to ‘stair-step’ install the fence
  • Wants to be able to install same day posts are set

Can you make custom panels and gates if I have a design in mind?

We do offer custom services, but we will need to get the details of your project to see if it qualifies.  There are minimum requirements for quantities based on the type of customization requested.  Visit our Custom Designs page or give us a call at 800-261-2729 to learn more. 

How are your iron fence panels mounted to the posts?

Our Stronghold Iron panels utilize a cast-iron bracket that slides over the horizontal rail.  The bracket has a hole for a self-tapping screw that you will drive into the post.  This set-up allows for mounting the panel at any point on the post and also means there are no specialized line, end, and corner posts like aluminum has.  With Stronghold Iron, a ‘post is a post’.   

Can I get your fence in a color other than black?

We only offer our fences and gates in a satin black.  Custom color requests are taken on a case-by-case basis and will have a minimum quantity requirement as well as a 16-18 week lead time.  

Can I get a sample of your fence sent to me?

Yes.  We have sample boxes that can be purchased by clicking the 'Request Sample' button at the bottom of our home page.  The kit includes a sample picket and finial of our Stronghold Iron and Infinity Aluminum in both Traditional and Signature grade.  Contact an Iron Fence Shop Sales rep for further details.  

Do you offer a warranty on your iron products?

Our Stronghold Iron products carry a 25-year warranty (the longest in the industry!) that covers the construction and finish of the pieces.  

How is your aluminum fence better than others I found online or locally?

When we designed our Infinity Aluminum product line, we tried to fill in the quality gaps left by our competitors.  Some examples of what sets us apart include:

  • Our Infinity Aluminum line includes welded on, solid aluminum finials.  We are the only company in the industry offerings this!  Our competitors have only ugly pinch tops or charge extra for adding optional press-on finial tips to their fence.  When you add up the cost of their panels with those optional press-on finials, they actual cost much more than ours with welded on finials included!
  • We feature a beveled edge on the horizontal rails of all our Infinity Aluminum pieces.  It is a small detail, but one that adds both elegance and additional strength instead of the standard and weaker squared rail offered by others. 
  • We route our aluminum fence posts to exactly fit our rail rather than square punch them.  This provides a cleaner look and tighter connection than the competition.  It also means no gap under the rail that can allow bees and wasps to nest in your posts.
  • Our TGIC powder coating has UV fade inhibitors as part of the formulation to keep your fence looking good for decades and not fading or ‘chalking’ after being up a few months.     
  • Our walk gates feature a fully boxed U-frame that is welded square to prevent the gate from ever sagging.  None of our competitors offer this standard.

Why choose aluminum over other types of fence?

The main benefits of an aluminum fence are that it is lightweight, durable and virtually maintenance free.   Unlike steel and iron that can rust if its protective powder coat is compromised, aluminum will not corrode further when exposed.   
Aluminum fence panels are also more versatile since they can “rack” to follow yard grades.  This eliminates the “stepping” look many fence types require and gives a continuous line that follows your yard’s contours. 

Aluminum as a metal is very strong, but also lightweight.  An aluminum fence will also outlast anything made of wood, vinyl or composite.   

What aluminum fence heights do you offer?

Our Classic style Infinity Aluminum Fence panels are 6ft (72in) wide when installed and available in a:

  • 3ft (36in) Tall Fence Panel Height
  • 4ft (48in) Tall Fence Panel Height
  • 5ft (60in) Tall Fence Panel Height
  • 6ft (72in) Tall Fence Panel Height

Our Pool style Infinity Aluminum Fence panels are 6ft (72in) wide installed and come only in a 54" height to satisfy pool code. 

We can also make custom heights for you.  See the ‘Custom Designs’ section of the site for more details on custom fence heights.

Do you offer aluminum gates that match the fence?

We carry walk gates that match all of our Classic and Pool style Infinity Aluminum fence panel heights.   The matching walk gates are available in a:

  • 4ft (48in) Single Gate Width*
  • 5ft (60in) Single Gate Width
  • 6ft (72in) Single Gate Width
  • 8ft (96in) Double Gate Width
  • 10ft (120in) Double Gate Width
  • 12ft (144in) Double Gate Width

We also carry a full array of hinge and latch options for all gates.  Ask your Iron Fence Shop salesperson for options that would best work for your application. 

* Optional arched version of the 4ft wide walk gate available in all heights

What is the difference between ‘Traditional’ and ‘Signature’ grade aluminum?

We offer our Infinity Aluminum products in two grades to provide options on profile and strength within each style of fence.  

Our Traditional grade of Infinity Aluminum is the smaller of both profiles with a 5/8” square, 0.050” picket and 4in tall finial tip on top.  Our Traditional grade profile more closely represents the fences made 100 years ago with its smaller features.  In terms of appearance, we recommend the Traditional grade when you want the fence to blend in as part of the landscaping and not be a main focal point.   

Our Signature grade of Infinity Aluminum is the larger of both profiles with a ¾” square, 0.050” picket and 6in tall finial tip on top.  Our Signature grade is the more heavy-duty option, as its larger profile components are stronger than its Traditional grade counterpart.  In terms of appearance, we recommend the Signature grade when you want the fence to stand out as a main element in your landscape.     

Do I need a Traditional or Signature Grade aluminum fence for my project?

This is largely a matter of preference and budget.  We typically recommend taking the following into consideration:

  • If the fence is going to be in a public setting such as a business, the heavier-duty Signature grade option would alleviate any concerns of damage from customers
  • If the fence is going to be in a front yard or corner lot with a nearby sidewalk where kids could run into or climb on the fence repeatedly, the heavier-duty Signature grade option would withstand more abuse
  • Aesthetically, Traditional Grade may be the more desired profile when you want the fence to blend in with the landscaping or not obstruct a view behind it
  • Aesthetically, Signature Grade may have a more desired profile when being installed around a larger residence or if the fence is going to be set far back from the residence.  It also sends a stronger security statement and stands out more as a focal point in your landscaping with its larger components
  • The heavier-duty Signature grade pieces cost roughly 50% more than their Traditional grade counterparts

There is no set rule on which grade to utilize.  Discuss where you will be installing the fence with your Iron Fence Shop Sales salesperson and they can help suggest which grade would work best for you.

Should I go with your Stronghold Iron® or Infinity Aluminum® products?

There is no ‘right’ answer to this question as it will come down to your preferences to guide you to the material best for you.  Below are the strengths of each option.  Go with the material that best fits your needs and wants:

Stronghold Iron

  • Strength is of utmost importance
  • Wants a traditional, heavy-duty, all-welded fence or gate
  • Concerned with security and durability
  • Understands the fence finish may need to be touched up if scratched or scuffed to bare metal

Infinity Aluminum

  • Wants a maintenance-free product they can install and forget
  • Values lightweight nature of aluminum for installation and gate operation
  • Yard is hilly or sloped and does not want to ‘stair-step’ install the fence
  • Wants to be able to install same day posts are set

Can you make custom panels and gates if I have a design in mind?

We do offer custom services, but there a minimum quantity requirements based on the type of customization requested.  Visit our Custom Designs page or give us a call at 800-261-2729 to learn more. 

How are your aluminum fence panels mounted to the posts?

Our Infinity Aluminum panel horizontal rails fit inside a punched hole in the post.  The rail is then secured by driving a self-tapping screw through the post and into the rail.  Aluminum posts are specialized by their location with line, end, and corner post designations.   

Can I get your fence in a color other than black?

Our standard fences and gates are available only in a satin black.  Custom color requests are taken on a case-by-case basis, are subject to minimum quantity requirements and will have a 16-18 week lead time.  Call or email us for more information.  

Can I get a sample of your fence sent to me?

Yes!  Sample boxes can be purchased by clicking the 'Request Sample' button near the bottom of our home page.  The kit will include a sample picket and finial of our Stronghold Iron and Infinity Aluminum in both Traditional and Signature grade.  Contact an Iron Fence Shop Sales rep for further details.  

Do you offer a warranty on your aluminum products?

Our Infinity Aluminum products carry a limited lifetime warranty that covers the construction and finish of all pieces.  

What heights of iron and aluminum driveway gates do you offer?

Our Stronghold Iron and Infinity Aluminum driveway gates are available in two heights:

  • 5ft (60in) Arching to 6ft (72in) Tall in the Center
  • 6ft (72in) Arching to 7ft (84in) Tall in the Center

Our Classic style of driveway gate is available in iron and aluminum and both heights above.  Our Rings Puppy Picket style of driveway gate is available only in Stronghold Iron and a 6ft arching to 7ft height. 

We can also make custom gate heights for you.  See the ‘Custom Designs’ section of the site for more details on custom gate heights.

A full line of hinges, posts, latches and automatic gate opener kits are available to complement our iron and aluminum driveway gates.

What widths of iron and aluminum driveway gates do you offer?

Our Classic style of our iron and aluminum driveway gates come in the following widths:

Single Piece Gates (One Leaf):

  • 10ft (120in) Wide Single Driveway Gate
  • 12ft (144in) Wide Single Driveway Gate

Double Piece Gate (Two Leaf):

  • 10ft (120in) Wide Double Driveway Gate
  • 12ft (144in) Wide Double Driveway Gate
  • 14ft (168in) Wide Double Driveway Gate
  • 16ft (192in) Wide Double Driveway Gate
  • 18ft (216in) Wide Double Driveway Gate
  • 20ft (240in) Wide Double Driveway Gate

Our Rings Puppy Picket style of driveway gate comes only in iron and in the following widths:

Double Piece Gate (Two Leaf):

  • 12ft (120in) Wide Double Driveway Gate
  • 14ft (144in) Wide Double Driveway Gate
  • 16ft (168in) Wide Double Driveway Gate

We can also make custom gate widths for you.  See the ‘Custom Designs’ section of the site for more details on custom gate widths.

A full line of hinges, posts, latches and automatic gate opener kits are available to complement our iron and aluminum driveway gates.

Can I install this iron or aluminum driveway gate myself?

Yes you can and roughly 90% of our customers do!  It will also help cut your project cost roughly in half by not paying a contractor to do it.  You will likely do a much better job as its your home and you can spread the project out whereas a contractor is looking to get your gate up as quickly as possible and move onto the next job.  The majority of the photos in our Knowledge Center Photo Gallery are from customers that installed it themselves.     

Installation requires only basic hand tools.  For more detailed install info, visit the Installation page in our Knowledge Center. 

Can I mount my iron or aluminum driveway gate on custom pillars instead of your posts?

You sure can!  We have had many customers mount their driveway gates to brick, stucco, concrete and wood pillars instead of our standard steel posts.  You just need to ensure that your pillar is built to handle not only the weight, but also the leverage of a driveway gate.  The wider the gate leaf, the more leverage forces on your hinge and pillar connection. 

If you are unsure about your pillar being able to hold a driveway gate, talk with one of our Iron Fence Shop salespeople for recommendations.  

How are your driveway gates better than others I found online or locally?

When we designed our Iron and Aluminum Driveway Gate lines, we tried to fill in the quality gaps left by our competitors.  Some examples of what sets us apart include:

  • Both our Stronghold Iron and Infinity Aluminum driveway gates include welded on finials at no extra charge.  Our competitors charge extra for adding optional press-on finial tips to their gates and when you add it up, they actual cost much more than ours with welded on finials included!
  • Our Stronghold Iron driveway gates use galvanized metal stock, which is a superior rust prohibiting coating. The pieces are hot-dipped for full coverage inside and out.  
  • All driveway gates feature a fully boxed U-frame that is welded square to eliminate the possibility of the gate ever sagging.  None of our competitors offer this standard.
  • Our driveway gate U-frames are heavy-duty to take any unintended blows from vehicles.  The Stronghold Iron driveway gates feature an 11ga (3/16” thick) boxed 2” x 2” frame.  The Infinity Aluminum driveway gates feature a 0.125” wall thickness in a boxed 2” x 2” frame.   
  • All our Stronghold Iron and Infinity Aluminum driveway gates include an additional horizontal rail about 2ft up from the bottom frame that can act as an operator bar for any automated gate opener system. 
  • Our TGIC powder coating has UV fade inhibitors as part of the formulation to keep your gate looking good for decades and not fading or ‘chalking’ after being up a few months.     


Why do you only offer your driveway gates in heavy-duty ‘Signature’ grade?

While our fences and walk gates are offered in a standard-duty Traditional and heavy-duty Signature grade, we only offer our driveway gates in Signature grade.  The reason is because if any item is likely to encounter an impact or deal with pressures being put against the frame, its your driveway gate.  Unlike a fence panel that may only need to worry about a falling tree branch, your driveway gate could get backed into by a car or delivery truck.  It also has to deal with the leverage forces of the gate's weight being suspended from one side.  It's for these reasons that we only offer our arched driveway gates in heavy-duty Signature grade.  You want the beefiest unit possible in that location.  Not only does the Signature grade offer the best in strength, its larger profile also makes for a more beautiful and dramatic entryway to your property. 

Do you offer automatic openers for the driveway gates?

Yes we do!  We carry the full line of Linear PRO gate openers and gate opener accessories.  This is the PRO line that is a step above what you can find in your local big box stores.  We offer the automatic openers are fully equipped kits to which you can add all sorts of accessories such as keypads, intercoms, vehicle sensors, solar panels, etc.  

Do you offer installation services or have installers you can recommend?

We do not offer installation services.  Since we sell nationwide and it would be impossible for us to manage a list of installers we are comfortable associating our name with.  We may be able to recommend an installer in your area, but it will be dependent on where you are located and if we have worked with installer in your area. 

If you do not want to install the fence yourself, we typically recommend staying a way from traditional fence installers, as they will typically only want to install a fence that they sell you.  Alternative companies to assist with installation that often do a better job include: 

  • General Contractors
  • Handy Friends or Family
  • Landscaping Companies
  • Handyman Services

You can find companies like these in your area by checking utilizing:

  • Angie’s List (
  • Service Magic (
  • Craigslist (

Be sure to ask if they are Better business Bureau (BBB) member or if they can provide reviews/ recommendations from past clients.  If they have any questions about the materials, we would be happy to work directly with your installer.       

Can I install this fence or gate myself?

We’ve sold thousands of orders over the years and roughly 90% were to regular homeowners that tackled installing the fence and gates on their own.  Those photos in our gallery and all over the website?  Almost all of them are from regular folks who were so proud of their installation that they sent us pictures to show us how the project turned out. 

Where our competitor’s only send a one-page installation guide (if any at all), Iron Fence Shop provides an in-depth set of instructions with pictures and helpful tips.  With the amount of installation information we provide in our printed guides and on the website, it’s actually rare to get folks calling in seeking installation assistance.  But if you do end up having installation questions after you receive the fence, our experienced staff is here to help.  

Installation of the fence panels differs a little depending on if you purchased an iron or aluminum fence, but both can be handled easily. 

If you purchased an iron fence, the panels install via a simple cast iron bracket that slides on the end of the rail.  Need a shorter-than-standard panel at the end of a run?  Simply cut off the width you don’t need with a standard sawzall or hacksaw, slide your bracket on as if it were a standard size panel.  Use the self-tapping screw that we provide and attach the bracket to the post.  Do this on the other side of the panel and then move on to the next one.  It’s that easy.

If you purchased an aluminum fence, the rails of the panel fit inside the holes we punch in the post.  Just like with the iron, if you need to trim a panel to a shorter width, you absolutely can with basic cutting tools.  Once your panel rail is in the post, use the self-tapping screw we provide and drive it through the post and into the rail.  Again, it’s that easy. 

Besides being uncomplicated, there are other benefits to installing the iron or aluminum fence or gate on your own:

  • You will probably cut the project cost in half installing it yourself
  • Unlike an installer who is rushing to finish and get to the next job, you can take your time to get everything perfect as you install the fence
  • It’s your house.   You are going to give more care and attention to installing it exactly how you want it and with no unexpected surprises
  • Lastly, the feeling of accomplishment.  Don’t diminish how proud you will be taking a project like this on and successfully executing it. 

It really is something the average person can handle.  If you have any installation questions you would like answered, you can visit the Installation page in the ‘Knowledge Center’ or give us a call here and we would be happy to discuss tackling the project. 

Can the fence be installed in any season?

Yes, fence can be installed year round. Simply follow the instructions on your concrete bag for temperature tolerance and curing time in colder temperatures. 

For those not installing the fence on their own, off-season installation may yield additional savings from contractors depending on where you live in the country. 

What if I need a fence panel that is shorter than the standard panel width?

It is rare for a project to end up with all full width panels over the course of a project.  You can trim down the fence panels using a hacksaw or sawzall.  Simply mark where you need to cut, hold the panel and then cut through the horizontal rails.  Try to maintain picket spacing as best you can for a cleaner look. 

How deep do the posts need to be buried in ground?

This varies by region due to different soil composition, climate and fence height.  You should be able to call your local Building Department and get suggestions from them. 

Conventional wisdom is that areas free of winter can bury posts 18-24 inches deep.  Areas that have winter and persistent freeze should bury posts 20-36 inches deep.  In winter areas, you want to be sure you are burying the post below the freeze line.   Situations such as sandy soil, poor drainage or rocky soil may dictate different post depth.  It is best to inquire locally with your local municipality and/ or installers to get suggestions from them. 

Can I mount your fence panels and gates to masonry or wood posts?

Both our Stronghold Iron and Infinity Aluminum can be mounted to something other than the steel or aluminum posts we provide.  If you are mounting to something other than our standard posts, it is best to ask one of our Iron Fence Shop Sales Representatives.  You can describe your particular setup and get feedback from them on the best approach.   

What if I need to mount the fence over concrete and cannot dig post holes?

In Stronghold Iron we have a 2.5” square post with a 5” flange welded on the bottom.  For our Infinity Aluminum we offer a 2” and 2.5” deck mount flange that can be affixed to your post and provides a way to affix the posts to a surface. 

My yard slopes. Do your panels rack to flow with the grade?

The answer to this will depend which product line you are looking to purchase.

Our Stronghold Iron fence panels do not rack.  Our panels are fully welded for strength and racking a panel requires the pickets to be screwed in or have a single weaker weld that can be bent.  However, yard slope can be handled in two ways using our material:

  • On a mild grade, you can ‘step’ the panels.  This means mounting one panel at a higher or lower height than the previous panel to handle the grade.  You can also cut panels in half to shorten the gap over a mild slope as well; however that approach will require additional posts.
  • On more severe grades where stepping will leave too large a gap, we can create custom panels that would follow the grade of your yard.  You would need to provide us the drop over an 8’ section so that we can quote out the panel price.  Custom piece lead-time (10-12 weeks) would be applicable to these custom panels.

Our Infinity Aluminum panels will rack 8" - 10" from level so that you can follow the contours of your yard slope.  If the slope exceeds the rack of the panel, we recommend back filling the area with material such as dirt, decorative stones, plants, etc.   

Why are there different types of Infinity Aluminum® posts, but all Stronghold Iron® posts are the same?

Our Infinity Aluminum fence panels insert into pre-punched holes in the posts and then are affixed with a screw.  There are different posts for different panel orientation.  They are as follows:

  • Line Post - a post that runs in-line with the fence.  Holes are punched on the right and left side
  • End Post – a post for where a fence terminates.  It is punched on one side only. 
  • Corner Post – a post where panels intersect at a 90 degree angle. 
  • Gate Post – Similar to an end post, but a heavy- duty 0.125 thick to compensate for gate movement and leverage.
  • Blank Post – A heavy-duty 0.125 thick post with no punches holes.  Used where standard punched holes will not work.  Panels are typically held on using a wall mount bracket. 

Our Stronghold Iron panels utilize a bracket to hang them between the posts, so there is no need for specialized posts that accommodate where the panel intersects the post. 

How do I get a price quote for my fence or gate project?

The process of quoting and ordering from Iron Fence Shop is as easy as 1-2-3:

1. Let Us Know What you Need

We start the process by finding out what materials you would like to use via email or phone conversation.   We can get started with something as simple as an overall footage or get more detailed with a drawing of your layout emailed or faxed to us. 

2. We Create an Accurate Quote For You

We will take the information you provided and create an itemized quote.  By skipping the website shopping cart and having our knowledgeable sales team put together your quote, we avoid the risk of you ordering too much or too little for your project.  This method of quoting has allowed us to have a 99.99% accuracy rating on all orders shipped for the past 6 years!  We want to get it right the first time as much as you do!

3. Place Your Order

Once we’ve hammered out all the details of what you need, the last thing to do is convert your quote to an invoice and place the order.  We accept all major credit cards, checks, check-over-phone and bank wire transfers.  Time from order-to-shipment will depend on the product style you choose, but orders are typically delivered to your house in a week or less after they leave our warehouse.  

Simply click any of the ‘Get Quote’ buttons on the screen above to send your project information to us.  You can also contact us directly via email at [email protected] or by phone at (800)-261-2729.

What is included on your quote?

We will provide you an itemized quote that includes all panels, posts, gates, hardware and shipping (if applicable).  This will give you the ‘out-the-door’ price of the entire order.  

How much does shipping cost?

We offer Free Shipping on qualified orders that are:

  • Shipped within the United States (excluding HI and AK)
  • Over $5000 in materials

If your material total is less than $5000, we offer a flat shipping rate of $495 within the United States (excluding HI and AK).

Looking to ship outside of the United States?  We can work with your international shipments as well.  We’ve shipped orders to Canada, Denmark, South America, New Zealand and Japan to name just a few.  Contact your Iron Fence Shop salesperson to inquire about getting an international shipping quote.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept several methods of payment:

  • All 4 major credit cards (quickest and preferred method)
  • Check-Over-Phone
  • Check via Mail
  • Bank-to-Bank Wire Transfer

How soon will I receive my fence after ordering?

Our Classic and Pool styles are stocked in our warehouse.  Lead time is usually a week from order to leaving the warehouse.  Once an order leaves our warehouse, it’s typically a week or less for delivery depending on where you live.  


How is the material shipped?

All orders are shipped via LTL semi-truck on a wood pallet.  All individual pieces will be wrapped and secured to the pallet.  The truck will make the delivery to the end of your driveway.  

Do I need to be there when the order arrives?

Yes, you or your installer will need to be present to accept the material.  Once we have shipped your order, we will email or call you with a tracking number and phone number for the local terminal it will ship to your house from.  You can then call the local terminal to schedule when it will deliver to your house.  The terminal will call you, but we suggest calling them first as it speeds up the delivery process.

You and at least another person will need to be present for the delivery to hand unload the material from the truck and inspect for damages.  In most cases the driver will help, however, they are only required to get the material to the back of the truck.  Any damages will need to be noted on the driver’s bill of lading prior to them leaving. 

What is your satisfaction policy?

We want you be 100% satisfied not only with our products, but with your buying experience.  We will strive to go the extra mile with our customer service to make sure you are happy with both our staff and our products.  If for any reason you are not satisfied, please contact us at 800-261-2729 or [email protected] and let us know what we can do to see that you are satisfied.    

What is your cancellation policy?

If for some reason you need to cancel your order with us, we can honor the request so long as the order has not shipped yet. 

If you cancel prior to the order shipping, there will be no out-of-pocket cost and your order will be refunded in full.  If the order has shipped, this will be treated as a return.

Custom Design orders must be cancelled prior to production.  Custom Design orders that have been already produced cannot be cancelled.     

What is your return policy?

We want you to be satisfied with your purchase, but if you need to return the material for any reason, we will refund your purchase less the original and return shipping costs plus a a 25% re-stocking fee. 

To obtain a refund, materials must be returned in their original packaging and inspected to ensure all parts are accounted for and in damage-free, sellable condition.  Once we receive the material back at our warehouse and find it to be in satisfactory, re-sellable condition, we will issue the refund.

Custom Design orders cannot be returned.   

What is your damaged material policy?

If you encounter material damaged or missing during delivery, it is best to call us immediately at 800-261-2729; Option 1.
The reason we have you on-site to unload the fence is to inspect for damages.  If you do find damages, you will need to make note of it both your copy AND the driver's copy of the delivery receipt before they leave.  Include details such as number of pieces and type of damage and have the driver sign.  Once you send us a copy of the delivery receipt, we can get replacements sent out ASAP or work on another agreeable resolution.  

Unfortunately if damages or shortages are not noted a the time of delivery, then we cannot make a claim with the shipping company, so it is imperative that you inspect the shipment while offloading.

What is your privacy policy?

We respect your privacy.  We do not sell or distribute any customer information to third party companies.   

What makes your company different from other online sellers or the big box stores?

There are a lot of choices when it comes to buying fence material.  We strive to set ourselves apart from the rest in such ways as:

  • We don’t deal with middlemen, you buy direct. Our fencing comes right from the manufacturer shipped directly to you. This is a huge advantage because most fence companies (local or online) buy from a distributor that buys from another distributor that buys from the manufacturer. Buying through us eliminates all of those middlemen and the markups that go with them.  Also, we have direct access to the manufacturer and play an active role in inventory, products, quality control and planning. 
  • We have decades of combined fence experience in the sales group. We know what works and we know what doesn’t. Best of all, we know what the customer wants in a fence product and the company selling it.  This allows us to provide installation help and use past experience when assisting you. 
  • Our customer service simply cannot be beat. We are here to help from initial questions all the way up to questions after the fence has been installed for years.  We know that nobody likes to wait, so we make all attempts to get your quote request returned same day (sometimes even within the hour).  We make sure to follow-up on our quotes after they are sent to make sure there are not any questions or required changes.  We want the buying process to be a painless one where you TRUST and ENJOY working with us.

Where are you located? Can I meet you in person?

Our online sales office is located in Stow, OH and we have warehouses in Tennessee, South Carolina and California.  These locations are not open to the public as they are not retail locations.  However, we do allow customer pickups in our warehouse locations if you are local to the area and we have your materials there.   


What is the best method to contact you?

We can be contacted via the following methods:

  • Toll Free Phone: 800-261-2729
  • Fax:  330-470-2444


What are your hours?

The online Sales Team is available Monday through Friday from 9a to 5p eastern time.  


What is a Blank Post?

An aluminum post with no punched holes.  Used where standard punched holes will not work.   




What is a Corner Post?

A post where panels intersect at a 90 degree angle.  

What is a deck mount plate?

A small plate that can be affixed to the bottom of an aluminum post for installation over wood or concrete.  

What is a driveway gate?

These gates are typically used to block an entrance that a vehicle will need to pass through.  Also referred to as an 'Estate Gate'.  

What is a drop rod?

Typically used to hold a double gate closed in the center so that the leafs cannot swing back and forth.  The rod is attached to one of the gate leaves and then put into the ground to hold the gate stable so the other leaf can latch to it.    

What is a double gate?

A gate that is split in the center and has two separate leafs of equal width.  

What is an End Post?

An aluminum post for where a fence terminates.  It is punched on one side only.  

What is an estate gate?

See 'Driveway Gate'.  

What is a Gate End post?

Similar to an aluminum end post, but a thicker (0.125) diameter to compensate for gate movement and leverage.

What is a gravity latch?

A small arm and clasp that is used to hold single and double gates shut.  The arm slides into the clasp, which locks it in.  This is to keep gates from swinging free.  

What is a GTO gate opener?

A line of powered gate opener and accessories.  Typically used on driveway gates so that the gate be opened via wireless transmitter, keypad, intercom or vehicle sensor.

What is a finial?

The welded on decorative point at the top of the picket on a fence panel or gate.

What is a flange post?

A steel post with a 5” square flange welded to the bottom to provide a ‘foot’ for mounting posts on a surface rather than burying them in concrete.  

What is a freeze line?

The depth in-ground where winter freeze does not reach beyond.  This varies widely by location and is important to know for setting posts.  You want your posts to be set below the freeze line to avoid heaving by ice and freeze.    

What is a horizontal rail?

The rails running left to right on a fence panel, which the pickets are passed through and welded on for an iron piece or screwed on for an aluminum piece.  

What is a j-bolt hinge?

Adjustable hinge used on walk and driveway gates.  The name is due to the bent threaded portion of the hinge shaped like a “J”.  

What is a Line post?

An aluminum post that runs in-line with the fence.  Holes are punched on the right and left side.

What is a panel (fence)?

This is the piece that is comprised of the pickets, horizontal rails and finials that is hung between the posts.    

What is a picket?

Square tube that passes through the horizontal rails vertically and has the finial welded on top.   

What is a post?

Large square steel or aluminum pieces that are attached in/ on ground and that the panels and gates are hung off of. 

What is a post cap?

Decorative accent that can be screwed, epoxyed or glued to the top of the post.  

What is a Walk Gate?

These are smaller gates that are typically used in entrances people will be walking through.  Walk gates mainly come in a flat top design that matches the fence panel, but there are limited sizes of arched walk gates available too.  Walk Gates can be used for smaller driveways too.  

What heights of iron and aluminum modern design gates do you offer?

What heights of iron and aluminum modern design gates do you offer?

Our Stronghold Iron® and Infinity Aluminum® modern design gates are available in two heights:

  • 5ft (60in) arching to 6ft (72in) tall in the center.
  • 6ft (72in) arching to 7ft (84in) tall in the center.

Our Smooth Top gates are available in iron and aluminum at both heights stated above.

We can also make custom gate heights for your home. See the ‘Custom Designs’ section for more details on custom fence heights.

To complement our iron and aluminum driveway gates, we offer a full line of hinges, posts, latches and automatic gate opener kits.

What widths of iron and aluminum modern design gates do you offer?

What widths of iron and aluminum modern design gates do you offer?

Our Smooth Top style of wrought iron and aluminum gates comes in the following widths:

  • 12ft (144in) wide double driveway gate.
  • 14ft (168in) wide double driveway gate.
  • 16ft (192in) wide double driveway gate.

Double-piece gates allow easy access for lawnmowers, backyards, and other large equipment. They’re also great for public places and institutions where an unloading zone is needed. Other features include safety sensors and low-level openings to allow children and pets easy but controlled access to your property.

We can also make custom gate widths for you. See the ‘Custom Designs’ section of the site for more details on custom gate widths.

A full line of hinges, posts, latches, and automatic gate opener kits are available to complement our iron and aluminum driveway gates. Our gates feature J-Bolt hinges as standard style, but you can also ask for custom or decorative hinges. Just let us know!

How do I get a price quote for my iron or aluminum modern gate project?

How do I get a price quote for my iron or aluminum modern gate project?

The process of quoting and ordering an aluminum or iron wrought modern gate from Iron Fence Shop® is as easy as 1-2-3:

  1. Let us know what you need
    We start the process by finding out what materials you would like to use via email or phone conversation. We can get started with something as simple as an overall footage or get more detailed with a drawing of your layout emailed or faxed to us.
  2. We create an accurate quote for you
    We will take the information you provided and create an itemized quote. By skipping the website shopping cart and having our knowledgeable sales team put together your quote, we avoid the risk of you ordering too much or too little for your project.
  3. Place your order
    Once we’ve hammered out all the necessary details, the last thing to do is convert your quote to an invoice and place the order. We accept all major credit cards, checks, check-over-phone, and bank wire transfers.

The time from order to shipment will depend on your chosen product style, but orders are typically delivered to your house in a week or less after they leave our warehouse.

Simply click any of the ‘Get Quote’ buttons on the screen above to send us your project information. You can also contact us directly at [email protected] or (800)-261-2729.

Can I install this modern iron or aluminum gate myself?

Can I install this modern iron or aluminum gate myself?

Yes, you can, and roughly 90% of our customers do! Not paying a fence contractor to do it will also help cut your project cost.

Installing a driveway gate requires only basic hand tools, as everything is modular. Most photos in our Knowledge Center Photo Gallery are submitted by DIY customers who installed them at home themselves.

For more detailed install guidelines, visit the Installation page in our Knowledge Center.

How soon will I receive my modern gate after ordering?

How soon will I receive my modern gate after ordering?

Lead time is usually a week from order to leaving the warehouse. Once an order leaves our warehouse, it’s typically a week or less for delivery, depending on where you live.

How much does shipping an iron or aluminum modern gate cost?

How much does shipping an iron or aluminum modern gate cost?

We charge a flat shipping rate of $495 within the United States (excluding HI and AK). However, we offer Free Shipping on qualified orders that are:

  • Shipped within the United States (excluding HI and AK).
  • Over $5000 in materials.

Are you looking to ship outside the United States? We can also handle international shipments. We’ve shipped orders to Canada, Denmark, South America, New Zealand, and Japan, to name just a few.

Contact your Iron Fence Shop® salesperson to inquire about getting an international shipping quote.

Can I mount my iron or aluminum modern gate on custom pillars instead of your posts?

Can I mount my iron or aluminum modern gate on custom pillars instead of your posts?

You sure can! We have had many customers mount their driveway gates to brick, stucco, concrete, and wood pillars instead of our standard design steel posts.

You just need to ensure that your pillar is built to handle the weight and leverage of a driveway gate. The wider the gate leaf, the more leverage forces on your hinge and pillar connection.

If you are unsure whether your pillar can hold a driveway gate, ask one of our Iron Fence Shop® salespeople for recommendations.

How are your modern design gates better than others I found online or locally?

How are your modern design gates better than others I found online or locally?

When we designed our Iron and Aluminum Modern Gate lines, we tried to fill in the quality gaps left by our competitors. Some examples of what sets us apart include:

  • Our Stronghold Iron® and Infinity Aluminum® modern gate lines include welded-on finials at no extra charge.
  • Our Stronghold Iron® modern design gates use galvanized metal stock with a superior rust-prohibiting powder coating.
  • All modern design gates feature a fully boxed U-frame that is welded square to eliminate the possibility of sagging.
  • Our modern gate U-frames are heavy-duty and designed to withstand impact from vehicles.
  • Our TGIC powder coating has UV fade inhibitors to keep your gate looking great for decades.

Why do you only offer your modern design gates in heavy-duty ‘Signature’ grade?

Why do you only offer your modern design gates in heavy-duty ‘Signature’ grade?

We only offer our modern design gates for driveways in Signature grade because they endure impact and heavy pressures. Unlike fence panels, driveway gates must handle:

  • Potential vehicle impact
  • Heavy leverage forces from their weight

For these reasons, our modern, arched gate design for driveways is only available in heavy-duty Signature grade to ensure durability and a grand entryway appearance.

What iron pool fence heights do you offer?

What iron pool fence heights do you offer?

Our Stronghold Iron pool fence panels are available in a 50-inch height to meet pool codes and most local building codes.

Do you offer iron gates that match the swimming pool fence?

Do you offer iron gates that match the swimming pool fence?

Yes, we carry gates that match our pool fences. Our iron pool fence has two pool gate options:

  • 4ft (48in) wide single gate
  • 8ft (96in) wide double gate

We also offer various hinge and safety latch options to enhance security and usability.

What aluminum pool fence heights do you offer?

What aluminum pool fence heights do you offer?

Our pool-style Infinity Aluminum Fence panels are available in a 54-inch height to satisfy pool safety code requirements.

Do you offer aluminum gates that match the pool fence?

Do you offer aluminum gates that match the pool fence?

Yes, we offer gates that match our Classic and Pool style Infinity Aluminum pool fence panel heights. The available gate widths are:

  • 4ft (48in) Single Gate Width
  • 5ft (60in) Single Gate Width
  • 6ft (72in) Single Gate Width
  • 8ft (96in) Double Gate Width
  • 10ft (120in) Double Gate Width
  • 12ft (144in) Double Gate Width

We also provide a variety of hinge and safety latch options for each fence. Additionally, an optional arched version of the 4ft wide gate is available at all heights.

How do I get a price quote for my project?

How do I get a price quote for my project?

The process of quoting and ordering from Iron Fence Shop is simple:

  1. Let Us Know What You Need
    Start by emailing or calling us with your pool fence requirements. We can work from basic footage details or more detailed layout drawings.
  2. We Create an Accurate Quote For You
    We’ll use the information provided to generate a detailed, itemized quote, ensuring you get the pool fence you need.
  3. Place Your Order
    Once the quote is finalized, you can place your order. We accept various payment methods, and orders are typically delivered within a week after shipping.

Simply click any of our website's ‘Get Quote’ buttons to send your project details directly to us. Alternatively, you can contact us via email at [email protected] or by phone at (800)-261-2729.

Can I install this myself?

Can I install this myself?

Yes, you can! Approximately 90% of our customers successfully install their pool safety fences on their own. Installing a fence by yourself can significantly reduce costs by avoiding contractor fees, and you may even achieve a better result since you can work at your own pace.

We ensure easy installation, with the process requiring only basic hand tools. For more detailed guidelines, visit the DIY Fence Installation Help page in our Knowledge Center.

How soon will I receive my materials after ordering?

How soon will I receive my materials after ordering?

Lead times vary depending on the time of year, typically from 2-10 business days for your order to be picked, packed, and shipped from our warehouse. Once your pool fence panels are shipped, delivery usually takes about a week or less, depending on your location.

How much does shipping cost?

How much does shipping cost?

We offer free shipping on qualified orders shipped within the United States (excluding HI and AK) and materials exceeding $4,000. For orders under $4,000, a flat shipping rate of $395 applies within the U.S. (excluding HI and AK).

For international shipping, we can arrange shipments to various countries. Contact us for a custom shipping quote for your pool fence panels.

How is your iron pool fence better than others I can find online or locally?

How is your iron pool fence better than others I can find online or locally?

When we designed our Stronghold Iron product line, we aimed to fill in the quality gaps left by our competitors. Here are some examples of what sets us apart:

  • Rust-Inhibition and Finish
    • Our Stronghold Iron stock is hot-dipped galvanized, providing rust protection inside and out.
    • We apply a 4-stage pre-treatment and TGIC powder coat finish with UV inhibitors to prevent fading.
  • Construction and Appearance
    • Welded iron finial tips are included as a standard feature, unlike competitors who charge extra.
    • Our finials are true cast-iron pieces, not press-on aluminum or plastic.
    • All iron components are fully welded, eliminating screws or rivets for a stronger build.
    • Our gates have a fully boxed U-frame to prevent sagging, a feature rarely offered by competitors.

How is your aluminum pool fence better than others I found online or locally?

How is your aluminum pool fence better than others I found online or locally?

When we designed our Infinity Aluminum product line, we aimed to address the quality gaps found in other products. Here's what makes us stand out:

  • Solid, welded aluminum finials included as standard.
  • Beveled edge rails for added elegance and strength.
  • Custom-fit posts routed for a perfect fit, preventing gaps.
  • TGIC powder coating with UV inhibitors to prevent fading and chalking.
  • Fully boxed U-frame gates to prevent sagging.

Why choose iron over other types of pool fences and gates?

Why choose iron over other types of pool fences and gates?

Wrought iron is a popular choice for high-end and historical properties due to its timeless beauty and superior strength. Compared to wood, vinyl, or composite fences, iron offers:

  • Unmatched durability and longevity.
  • Higher resistance to bending or breaking under pressure.
  • A classic, elegant aesthetic that enhances any property.

Why choose aluminum over other types of pool fences and gates?

Why choose aluminum over other types of pool fences and gates?

Aluminum pool fences and gates are lightweight, durable, and virtually maintenance-free. Some advantages of aluminum fencing include:

  • Corrosion resistance, even if the protective coating is compromised.
  • The ability to follow the yard’s natural slope without creating a "stepping" effect.
  • Greater longevity compared to wood, vinyl, or composite materials.
  • Easy installation due to its lightweight structure.

How long does it take to activate the discount code?

We’ll process and activate your unique discount code within 24 hours after receiving your application. Once ready, you’ll be notified by email.

Is there a limit to how many times I can use the discount code?

There’s no limit! Feel free to use the code as often as you like with no minimum purchase requirements.

Can this discount be combined with other offers?

This discount cannot be combined with any other promotions or deals from Iron Fence Shop.

How soon will the discount code be activated?

Your unique discount code will be processed and activated within 24 hours after we receive your application. You’ll get an email confirmation once it’s ready.

Can I use the discount code more than once?

Yes, absolutely! There’s no limit to how many times you can use the code, and no minimum purchase is required.

Can the discount be combined with other offers?

This discount cannot be combined with any other active promotions or deals from Iron Fence Shop.

How quickly will the discount code be activated?

Your organization’s unique discount code will be processed and activated within 24 hours of receiving your application. You’ll receive an email confirmation as soon as it’s ready.

Can the discount code be used more than once?

Definitely! The code can be used repeatedly and has no minimum purchase requirements.

Can this discount be combined with other offers?

No, this discount cannot be combined with other ongoing promotions or deals offered by Iron Fence Shop.

How quickly will the discount code be activated?

We’ll process and activate your unique discount code within 24 hours of receiving your application. You’ll get an email notification as soon as it’s ready to use.

How many times can I use the discount code?

There’s no limit! You can use the code as often as you need with no minimum purchase required.

Can this discount be combined with other promotions?

No, this discount cannot be stacked with other offers or promotions provided by Iron Fence Shop.

How soon will the discount code be activated?

Your unique discount code will be processed and activated within 24 hours of receiving your application. You’ll be notified by email as soon as it’s ready.

Can I use the discount code multiple times?

Yes! Feel free to use the discount code as many times as you like, with absolutely no minimum purchase required.

Can this discount be paired with other offers?

No, this discount cannot be combined with other promotions or deals provided by Iron Fence Shop.